This website uses the Facebook pixel, a small piece of JavaScript code, that is added to the website in order to optimise ads, report on the success of advertising campaigns across devices and target ads to the audience. The Facebook pixel sends information about your browsing session through HTTP headers to Facebook, including the IP address, information about the web browser, page location, document, referrer and web browser user agent. Pixel-specific data includes pixel ID and Facebook cookie data to connect the events to a specific Facebook ad account and to make a match to a person known by Facebook. Facebook checks whether the person has previously seen or interacted with an ad from our account or if the person matches an audience rule and prepares an analytics report, which contains anonymised or aggregated data. Facebook keeps the information collected from the pixels for 180 days and stores the data collected in its production data centres in the US and in Sweden.
Facebook supports the DAA’s AdChoices to opt out of behavioural advertising and you can check the corresponding settings at to opt out from the Facebook pixel. You can also learn more about why you are seeing an ad through Facebook’s AdsPreferences (available here: